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​成境 - 願景






Through Mr. Wong Chau Shing's bonsai art, more people around the world can appreciate the perseverance and artistic aesthetics of Chinese bonsai art, such as Lingnan bonsai, which specializes in shrinking trees into inches, creating giants in miniatures, building maturity with new life, and seeing age in small. By sharing this ancient realm and ever-evolving artistry of techniques, I hope that the art and culture of Chinese bonsai can be carried forward and passed on through generations.

黃就成盆景大師,成境盆景藝術,Wong Chau Shing, Shing Realm Bonsai Art

黃就成 先生




Mr. Wong Chau Shing

Borne of Chinese origin and pioneered contemporary bonsai arts in Hong Kong. His accolades currently held include: the Honorary President of the Institute of Lingnan Penjing in Hong Kong, the Vice Chairman of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture Flower Bonsai and Stone Appreciation Branch in China. His specialty in Lingnan bonsai, are most notable in his award winning production of bonsai with stone. His exceptional skills are captured in his attention to the aesthetics of shape and layout, allowing growth of trees with the stones and trees together, providing a fresh and natural approach, leading the new development of contemporary bonsai arts with stone in Hong Kong.

黃就成盆景大師,成境盆景藝術,Wong Chau Shing, Shing Realm Bonsai Art







Born in Guangzhou in 1946, he moved to Hong Kong and began his learning and practice 1964 in Lingnan bonsai art. In 1988, he specialized in more theoretical research and focused on the artistic creations of bonsai art pieces. His work has achieved several awards, covering many global bonsai exhibitions, and throughout China and Hong Kong. His on-site skills sharing and demonstrations in various large-scale global exhibitions and exchanges abroad has allowed his work and teachings reach international enthusiasts and across borders. More notably in 2008, he was invited to the 8th Crespi Bonsai Cup International Bonsai & Stone Exhibition in Italy and demonstrated the Chinese Lingnan bonsai skills during the global conference. In October 2023, with the invitation of the Hong Kong Fringe Club, the first personal bonsai art exhibition with the themes of "Legacy", "Continuity" and "Eternity" was held.


In order to promote the art of Lingnan style Bonsai, Mr. Wong Chau Shing has taught a number of courses focusing on the knowledge and fundamentals of horticulture and Lingnan bonsai for more than 20 years. In 2002, he and several reputable students jointly established a bonsai teaching base, to created a platform for enthusiastic students, to nurture and pass on his knowledge of bonsai art, and to lay the foundation for cultivating new generations in Lingnan bonsai art.


Later in 2007, he also founded the Institute of Lingnan Penjing Hong Kong, and served as its president and now consultant and technical advisor for the association. He has also led annual bonsai exhibitions and organized members to study and exchange in China and overseas, making his contributions to Hong Kong bonsai art well recognized and appreciated.



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2023 - 黃就成盆景藝術作品展 (香港藝穗會)



2023 - Wong Chau Shing Bonsai Art Exhibition (Hong Kong Fringe Club)

Solo Bonsai Art Exhibition

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2023 - LALIQUE x 黃就成盆景藝術作品展 (香港國際金融中心商場)



2023 - Lalique x Wong Chau Shing Bonsai Art Exhibition (Hong Kong ifc Mall)

Bonsai in Lalique Collaboration Art Exhibition


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2023 - 靜觀盆景藝術日 (香港藝穗會)



2023 - Mindful Bonsai Art Day (Hong Kong Fringe Club)

Bonsai Art x Professional Photography x Sound Therapy Workshop

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2018 - 首届全國盆景大師及國際盆景大師作品展(上海)




2018 - The First National Bonsai Masters and International Bonsai Master Works Exhibition(Shanghai)

Demonstration Performance: Production of Lingnan Bonsai

52 masters from all over the country participated in the exhibition showcasing their excellence, displaying more than 100 high-quality bonsai pieces, including masterpieces.

Chinese bonsai art masters and International bonsai masters are considered the backbone and leaders in the Chinese bonsai world. Together they have played an important role and made outstanding contributions in the promotion and development of Chinese bonsai art, by collaborating and exchanging ideas of bonsai between China and foreign countries, and to further enhance the international recognition Chinese bonsai. The purpose of the event was to bring together bonsai masters to share their work, showcase their expression, build a platform for exchanging and cooperation within the industry. Events included promoting exchanges between masters of different genres to enhance the development of bonsai on the global landscape and at the same time, offer Shanghai residents and travellers and a vast display of beautiful bonsai art pieces.

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2016 - 第九屆中國盆景展覽暨首屆國際盆景協會中國地區盆景展(廣州)



2016 - The 9th Bonsai Clubs International Convention and Asia-Pacific Bonsai and Viewing Stone Convention & Exhibition (Guangzhou)

Demonstration Performance: Stone Integrated Bonsai Production

In order to strengthen the exchange of bonsai circles both locally and abroad, during the exhibition, the organizing committee invited reputable bonsai art masters to perform on-site bonsai creating performances. The exhibition also arranged for the student of Lingnan Bonsai, and the students from Peihong Primary School in Guangzhou to performed the making of bonsai and sketching bonsai, in order to achieve the purposes of combining improvement, popularization, development and inheritance.

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2015 - 國際盆景大會暨亞太盆景賞石大會(廣州)


在中山紀念堂和廣東省科學館展場分別舉辦大型盆景、賞石展覽。這次展出的各類精品盆景共400多盆,以嶺南盆景作品為主,也有國內揚派、蘇派、海派等主要流派及其他新興流派的作品,樹種繁多,形態各異,大中小及微型各種規格齊全, 基本體現了我國盆景的基本特色和水平。大會還安排了盆景大師創作示範表演。  

2015 - Bonsai Clubs International Convention and Asia-Pacific Bonsai and Viewing Stone Convention & Exhibition (Guangzhou)

Demonstration Performance: Pine Root Forest Bonsai Production.

Large-scale bonsai and stone appreciation exhibitions were held in the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall and the Guangdong Provincial Science Museum. During these exhibitions, more than 400 pieces of high-quality bonsai were exhibited, being mainly Lingnan bonsai pieces, as well as known styles in Yang, Su, Hai as well as other major and emerging styles. The conference also arranged demonstration and performances by bonsai masters. All types and specifications were on display, reflecting the characteristics and diversity of bonsai in the country.

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2013 - 第七屆世界盆景友好聯盟大會(上海金壇)


大會主會場寶勝位於茅山國家4A級旅遊度假區內,由盆景館、藝術館、自然博物館、知青館、中華文化館五大板塊組成 現場示範演出場次創歷史新高。來自六大洲21個國家和地區的47位盆景藝術家分三個時期現場表演盆景創作技藝,堪稱世界盆景史上的壯舉。

2013 - The 7th World Bonsai Friendship Federation Convention (Shanghai Jintan)

Demonstration Performance: Waterlogging and Drought Bonsai Production

Baosheng, the main venue for the conference, is located in Maoshan National 4A Tourist Resort, consisting of five major sections: The Bonsai Hall, Art Hall, Natural History Museum, Educated Youth Hall, and the Chinese Culture Hall. The number of on-site demonstration performances from artists had then hit a record high of 47 bonsai masters and artists travelling from 21 countries and regions across six continents. Together they performed live bonsai creations, which is considered a significant feat in the history of bonsai art in the world.


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2008 - 第八届克雷皮斯國際杯盆景雅石展(意大利)

示範表演:水旱盆景製作 | 附石盆景製作

教學及工作坊: 盆景雅石

第八屆克雷皮斯杯國際盆景聚會-於†9 月†12 日至†21 日在米蘭省帕拉比亞戈的克雷斯皮盆景總部舉行。

發起人路易吉·克雷斯皮Luigi Crespi 深信盆景不僅僅是一門藝術,是一種生活方式,是一種通過尊重和學習慾望來詮釋自然的方式。該公司多年來也已成為東西方文化的交匯點。

2008 - The 8th Crespi Bonsai Cup (Parabiago, Italy)

Invited as a Chinese Bonsai Demonstration and Ribbon-Cutting Guest

Demonstration Performance: Waterlogging and Drought Bonsai Production | Stone Integrated Bonsai Production 

Lecture & Workshop: Bonsai with Stone (Yashi)

The 8th International Bonsai Gathering of the Crepis Cup was held at the headquarters of Crespi Bonsai in Parabiago, province of Milan, from September 12th to 21st. Initiator Luigi Crespi was convinced that bonsai is not just an art, but a way of life, a way of interpreting nature through respect and the desire to learn. Over the years, the event has also become a meeting point of East and West bonsai enthusiasts.



International Horticultural Exposition 
Silver Medal 銀奬: <<喜相逢>>(迷你組合)
Silver Medal 銀奬: <<一脈相承>> (雀梅)
9th Bonsai Clubs International Convention and Asia-Pacific Bonsai and Viewing Stone Convention & Exhibition 
Gold Medal 金奬: <<欢聚>> (组合)
Bronze Medal 銅獎: <<紫袍玉带舞春风>> (红果)
Bonsai Clubs International Convention and Asia-Pacific Bonsai and Viewing Stone Convention &
Exhibition (Guangzhou)
Silver Medal 銀奬: <<誓不低头>> (博楠)
Silver Medal 銀奬: <<香飘九里客寻来>> (九里香)
Bronze Medal 銅獎: <<一脉相承>> (雀梅)
Zhongshan (Ancient Town) Chinese Bonsai Boutique Exhibition
Gold Medal 金奬: <<水郷情>> (雀梅)
Gold Medal 金奬: <<一生一世>> (雀梅)

China Bonsai Exhibition  (Jinzhou, Shaanxi)
第八届中国盆景展 (金州,陝西)
Gold Medal 金奬: <<南柯一梦>> (榆树)
Bronze Medal 銅獎: <<硕果>> (火棘)
International Bonsai Invitational Exhibition (Guangzhou)
Gold Medal 金奬: <<喜相逢>> (组合)
Gold Medal 金奬: <<灵蛇归洞>> (香楠)
Silver Medal 銀奬: <<龙腾>> (两面针)

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